BSMA is a unique community. We are here for you.

We are passionate about creating happiness - in the lives of others. We maintain this during good times or difficult times.

Request help in navigating your classes, lessons, practice resources and more by TEXTING the office (best), inside of the student portal, or for emergencies, call (617) 690-3391.

> You can LOG INTO parent/student portal here: PARENT/FAMILY portal

If it is your first time, click "login here" at the bottom of the login page, then use the email you registered with, and click "forgot password".

Here you can: reschedule classes or lesson, update payment method, check on "homework", and more.

> NEWS: Don't miss out on important news, updates and special announcements - read our print or enews!

> LOVE OUR SCHOOL?! - Tell a friend and get rewarded. Speak with the staff about referral program.